Saturday, May 8, 2010

Waiting for Daddy

My brother, Tyler, graduated from IU this weekend so the girls and I joined my parents, sister and aunt in Indy and Bloomington to celebrate. I have some pictures from the last couple of days to share, but we just got back a couple of hours ago so they are still on my camera and I need to go to bed soon. I'll share more when I post those pictures.

Every day around 5:30 we anxiously wait for daddy to get home. On nice days we usually sit out on the front porch or take a slow walk down our block and back while we wait for him. On not-so-nice days we just watch out the window. These two girls get SO excited when they see that daddy has finally gotten home.

Since we left for Indy Thursday afternoon, we hadn't seen Dan for almost 3 days. I'd say he was just as excited to see us when we returned. I'd like to picture him peering out the window, waiting for our car to turn into the driveway and then running for the door, but I don't think that was how it actually happened.

I love the waiting-for-daddy time of day. Sometimes because of the extra set of hands after a really long day. Sometimes because something funny was said or done or something new was said or done by one of the girls and I can't wait to share it with Dan. Sometimes it's just because I'm starving and am waiting for him to get home so we can have dinner! But for the girls it's always for the same have their daddy home with them.
So in honor of Mother's Day tomorrow, I'm praising a great dad and husband. I wouldn't be the mother I am if it wasn't for my wonderful husband who supports me and helps me and appreciates me. I love you!


  1. This is my favorite blog:) I love it.... Those girls adore Dan!!

  2. Love those pictures, especially the last one!
